Etusivu Tieturi – a reliable training partner Competence mapping
Competence mapping

In expert work and the competence-dominated market, it is very important to manage competence in any organization. This means mapping competence and the need for further learning, organizing suitable training and ensuring that the organization remains competitive.
Developing competence systematically is crucial in order to achieve business results. Competence management should be adopted as an integral part of strategy. We have created different competence mapping services that you can use to determine your organization’s competence level.
Diagnostic mapping
Tieturi’s diagnostic competence mapping comes in handy when you need information on the competence of an individual or a larger group in terms of tools, for example. During the mapping, competence is determined with the help of test questions, and the responses help us specify the competence level and training needs of the respondent.
According to the results of the mapping, those participating in training can be divided into groups based on their level, and we are able to modify the content of the courses to meet the needs and learning objectives.
The mapping is conducted in the Tieturi online learning environment. You only need an internet connection and a browser to carry out the mapping. Those participating in the mapping will be given a report on their competence level directly after the mapping. Tieturi analyzes the mappings and drafts a report on them for the use of the organization.
Assessment mapping
Assessment mapping consists of determining the respondent’s competence through questions based on self-assessment. In self-assessment, the respondent estimates their own competence in relation to statements presented to them. The mapping relies heavily on the respondent’s self-knowledge and ability to assess the statements honestly and realistically. Mapping based on self-assessment often also serves as a good way of motivating people to learn new things.
The mapping is web-based and you only need an internet connection and browser to complete it. The respondent will be given a summary of their answer directly after the mapping. Tieturi collects and analyzes the answers and drafts a report on them for the use of the organization.
Project work fitness test – boost project work
With the help of the electronic and very comprehensive fitness test you will be able to identify those pain points and problem areas in your project work that can be fixed to reap instant benefits.
The project work fitness test maps the various areas of project operations, and anyone can be involved, even the entire project work team. The fitness test is designed to take the “temperature” of project operations. It determines what you need to fix to improve your project success rate immediately.
ComBaro – gauging work community communications
ComBaro is designed for the assessment and development of internal communications in the work communities of today. Instead of channels and lack of information, ComBaro measures the communicative responsibility of all employee groups, the mood in the work community and the dialogic nature of communications. The indicator consists of various statements and open-ended questions. It is easy to answer all of the questions. ComBaro works for all kinds of organizations, and it can be used for prioritization and strengthening the role of communications within an organization.
360 assessment – identify your strengths
The objective of the 360° assessment process is to use feedback to identify your own strengths and development needs as a supervisor and expert. The 360 feedback is used to create a personal development plan, which is then used to support personal growth in leadership, cooperation and interaction. The 360 assessment is suited to all manner of organizations.
Successful interaction and operating style DiSC
DiSC® is the most widely used interaction tool in the world. It is based on thirty years of research, and it currently has more than forty million users. Everything DiSC® is the newest instalment to the product family. It is a personal profile based on solid, scientific research.
DiSC behavioral style assessments are ideal for assessing the work community. Each participant conducts an online self-assessment. Everyone’s results can be combined into one image, which provides an overview of the entire group or several teams.