FrontpageDevOpsPragmatic Continuous Delivery

Pragmatic Continuous Delivery


The goal of this course is to help you implement Continuous Delivery in a pragmatic way. Based on experience accumulated in large and small organisations, the course will help you avoid common pitfalls teams and organisations face when adopting Continuous Delivery and equip you with enough knowledge so you can pursue your own journey.

Together we will look at Continuous Delivery through real-world lens. Lens free of hype, marketing and “by-book” solutions.

Training formats



2 päivää


1990 €


This course goes beyond basics, so some understanding of Continuous Delivery is desirable.

Contents of Pragmatic Continuous Delivery

This interactive training will cover wide range of topics, including:

  • How to make sense of Continuous Delivery
  • How to implement Continuous Delivery without blowing budgets and product roadmaps
  • How to apply value-driven approach to Continuous Delivery
  • How to build quality into your services
  • How to make services Ops friendly
  • How to pick tools that really matter
  • How to stop waking up at 00:00 on PagerDuty warnings
  • How to fight batching - the biggest enemy of Continuous Delivery
  • How (not) to implement Deployment Pipeline
  • How to implement effective Testing Strategy
  • Patterns for Zero-Downtime deployment
  • Patterns for Fault-Tolerance
  • Patterns for Resilience
  • Patterns for organisational and technical DevOps
  • and much more!

This course offers concrete practices that you can apply at work immediately.


Course begins at 9.00 and ends at 16.-16.30. Breakfast is served from 8.15 onwards.