
Better quality development more openly.

Containers and the Basics of Docker

Containers are one of the hottest technologies in software development in recent years, andDocker is by far the most popular tool. Containers enable leaner development ...
Helsinki Classroom
1 day 23.8.
890 €OR
1 training card day

Automaatiojärjestelmien kyberturvallisuus (IEC 62443)

Koulutuksessa käydään läpi teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmien kyberturvallisuutta IEC 62443-standardin mukaisesti. Koulutuksen avulla sinulle muodostuu kokonaiskuva IEC 62443-standardista, sen vaatimuksista ja soveltamisesta.
Helsinki Classroom
2 päivää 27.-28.8.
1990 €TAI
2 koulutus-

Productive version control with Git

Have you ever wondered why some people tell you to pull and others to fetch? Have youever tried to rebase without really understanding what you're ...
Helsinki Classroom
1 day 6.9.
890 €OR
1 training card day

DASA DevOps Professional - Enable and Scale

The DASA DevOps Professional – Enable and Scale certification is designed to provide the core education necessary to put DevOps into practice. With the help ...
Helsinki Classroom
2 päivää 10.-11.9.
1550 €TAI
2.8 koulutus-

Kontitettujen sovellusten hallinta Kubernetes-ympäristössäNew!

Kubernetes on yksi nykyaikaisen ohjelmistokehityksen käytetyimpiä tekniikoita sovellusten hallintaan hajautetuissa ympäristöissä. Konttiteknologian suosion räjähdysmäisen kasvun myötä Kubernetes on kehittynyt alan johtavaksi teknologiaksi sovellusten orkestroinnissa. Se ...
Helsinki Classroom
1 day 20.9.
890 €OR
1 training card day

eXtreme Automation

This 3-day workshop focuses on solving challenges that organisations face when implementing DevOps initiatives. It introduces principles of DevOps and tools that help reach full ...
3 days 25.-27.9.
1199 €OR
3 training card days

DevOps Fundamentals (DASA) Training & Certification

This course is designed to provide you with the background knowledge you need to understand the principles and practices of DevOps. More importantly, this course ...
Helsinki Classroom
2 päivää 1.-2.10.
1550 €TAI
3.3 koulutus-

Terraform – Azure ja AWS ympäristöjen hallinta

Koulutuksessa käymme läpi Terraformin käyttöönoton, arkkitehtuurin ja tyypillisiä käyttötapauksia. Teemme lukuisia harjoituksia ja tutustumme niiden yhteydessä tyypillisisiin ongelmatilanteisiin ja niiden ratkaisemiseen.
Helsinki Classroom
2 days 1.-2.10.
1590 €OR
2 training card days

ISTQB Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer

The ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer Certificate Course is a three-day course developing the skills of a test automation engineer (TAE) in designing, developing, and ...
Helsinki Classroom
3 päivää 7.-9.10.
1990 €TAI
3.7 koulutus-

DevOps CI/CD tool pipeline course

You will learn to use the continuous integration/continuous delivery tools in DevOps – type environments where Jenkins and other tools can compile code and run ...
Helsinki Classroom
2 days 29.-30.10.
1590 €OR
2 training card days

Robot Framework perusteet

Hanki itsellesi perustiedot Robot Frameworkista. Tämän käytäntöön keskittyvän kurssin jälkeen tiedät, mistä elementeistä Robot Framework koostuu, osaat asentaa Robot Frameworkin ja tarvittavat kirjastot yms. apuohjelmat. ...
2 päivää 18.-19.11.
1550 €TAI
2 koulutus-

SAFe Agile Software Engineering with ASE Certification

This Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) course provides you the principles and practices that make up the Agile Software Engineering discipline. Attending the class prepares you to take the ...
Helsinki Classroom
3 päivää 20.-22.11.
1695 €TAI
2.9 koulutus-

AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions

Devops on kehitys- ja tuotantomalli, jossa tavoitteena on automatisoida ohjelmistokehitykseen, testaamiseen ja ylläpitoon liittyviä toimintoja. Sen periaatteita ovat ketterä kehitys, jatkuva integraatio (continuous integration) ja ...
5 days
2390 €OR
5 training card days

DevOps Engineering on AWS

- With AWS certification Learn from AWS experts. Advance your skills and knowledge. Build your future in the AWS cloudIn this course, you will learn the ...
3 days
1990 €OR
4 training card days

DevSecOps Foundation (DSOF) eLearning

Earn your DevSecOps Foundation certification with the award-winning online training team at Good e-Learning! Security has become a fundamental aspect of value for organizations that regularly ...
16 hours
629 €

SRE Foundation (SREF) eLearning

Learn to fully optimize your IT culture with this SRE Foundation (SREF) course from Good e-Learning! Site Reliability Engineers fulfill many of the roles associated with ...
16 hours
629 €OR
1 training card day

DevOps Leader (DOL)® eLearning

Become a certified DevOps Leader with the award-winning online training team at Good e-Learning! DevOps has become synonymous with success in the digital sphere. Through collaboration, ...
16 hours
699 €

DO400 Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and Processes: CI/CD with Jenkins, Git, and Test Driven Development

Build essential skills to implement agile and DevOps development processes and workflows. DevOps practices have enabled organizations to undergo a digital transformation, moving from a monolithic ...
5 days
3600 €OR
10 training card days

DASA DevOps Leader

As a DASA DevOps Leader™, you'll be able to practice leadership values alongside like-minded DevOps leaders and also lead, drive, and support a successful DevOps ...
4 days
2590 €OR
4.5 training card days

DASA Portfolio Management

DASA Portfolio Management offers organizations a pathway to better strategic alignment, quicker decision-making and market adaptability. The DASA Portfolio Management certification program enables portfolio managers and ...
2 days
1550 €OR
2.3 training card days


DevOps, a way of working more efficiently, is taking over – in 2017, roughly 74% of companies had adopted DevOps. The objective of DevOps is to automate and accelerate the process of moving software to production. DevOps is the ideal environment for agile work methods and systems.

Why invest in DevOps?

1. DevOps cuts down on development cycles and accelerates innovations by combining the work performed on development and operations.
2. DevOps reduces the number of failures in implementation, reflection and hold-off intervals: shorter development cycles support recurring code versions, which makes it easier to spot errors in code.
3. DevOps supports performance-centered and communal company culture instead of the individual, which creates better communication and cooperation leading to trust between co-workers.
4. DevOps improves competence because DevOps tasks can be automated, reducing the need for manual labor.

What type of training do you need?

Are you new to DevOps or do you already know enough about it to specialize in a specific area? Tieturi offers courses for beginners, professionals and specialists! Our skilled DevOps professionals will help you master any level thoroughly.

Check out our courses, sign up, come along and take your company to the next level!

Learn more about Devops