SAFe Scrum Master with SSM Certification

This SSM training gives an understanding of the role of Scrum Master in a SAFe® (Scaled Agile Framework®) enterprise. Attending this course prepares you to take the SAFe 6 Scrum Master exam in order to receive the SAFe Scrum Master (SSM) certification.
Applying the Scrum Master role within a Scaled Agile Framework enterprise according to SAFe, version 6
Unlike traditional Scrum Master training that focuses on the fundamentals of team-level Scrum, the SAFe Scrum Master course explores the role of the Scrum Master in the context of the entire enterprise, and prepares attendees to successfully plan and execute the Program Increment (PI), the primary enabler of alignment throughout all levels of a SAFe organization.This includes learning the key components of Agile at scale development, how Scrum is facilitated throughout the enterprise, and how to execute Iteration Planning.
Attendees discover how to build high performing Agile teams by becoming a servant leader and coach, and how to coach those teams to deliver the maximum business value at scale. SAFe 6 Scrum Master (SSM) certification signifies that people are prepared to perform the role of Scrum Master in a SAFe environment, increasing their value to teams and organizations that are implementing SAFe.
Attendees may be eligible to apply for 15 PDUs toward their continuing education requirements with the Project Management Institute (PMI) for PMP and PMI-ACP certifications.
SAFe® and Scaled Agile Framework® are registered marks of Scaled Agile, Inc.
Training formats
2 päivää
1195 €
Target Group
A Certified SAFe® Scrum Master (SSM) is a SAFe Scrum Master professional responsible for integrating Scrum practices into an organization.
The following individuals will benefit from this course:
- New Scrum Masters who need to perform the role
- Existing Scrum Masters who would like to understand their role in the context of a SAFe enterprise
- Team Leads who want to understand the Scrum Master role
- SAFe Release Train Engineers who want to coach Scrum Masters on their role.
After this course, you can:
- Perform the role of a SAFe® Scrum Master
- Describe Scrum in a SAFe enterprise
- Facilitate Scrum events
- Facilitate effective Iteration execution
- Support effective Program Increment execution
- Support relentless improvement
- Coach Agile teams for maximum business results
- Support DevOps implementation
All are welcome to attend the course, regardless of experience. However, the following prerequisites are highly recommended for those who intend to take the SAFe® Scrum Master (SSM) certification exam:
- Familiarity with Agile concepts and principles
- Awareness of Scrum, Kanban, and eXtreme Programming (XP)
- Working knowledge of software and hardware development processes
SAFe Scrum Master with SSM Certification - Course content
- Introducing Scrum in SAFe
- Characterizing the role of the Scrum Master
- Experiencing Program Increment planning
- Facilitating Iteration execution
- Finishing the Program Increment
- Coaching the Agile team
SAFe Scrum Master (SSM) certification examination
- This training prepares you for SAFe 6 Scrum Master (SSM) Exam
- You must attend both days of the course in order to qualify for the exam.
- You take the exam using your own computer any time within 30 days of the training, only internet access is needed.
- Exam cost: First exam attempt is included as part of the course registration fee if the exam is taken within 30 days of course completion.
- Exam Format: Multiple Choice
- Exam Delivery: Web-based; closed book, no outside assistance, timed
- Exam Access: Candidates can access the exam within the SAFe Community Platform upon completion of the SAFe 6 Scrum Master course
- Exam Duration: Once the exam begins, candidates have 90 minutes (1.5 hours) to complete the exam
- Number of Questions: 45
- Passing Score: 34 out of 45 (75% passing score)
- see SAFe Scrum Master sample test questions
Attendees who pass the SAFe Scrum Master exam will receive:
- SAFe Scrum Master certificate
- A SAFe 6 Scrum MAster digital badge to promote your accomplishment online
- A one-year certified membership as a SAFe Scrum Master, which includes access to the SSM Community of Practice
- A SAFe Scrum Master certification usage guide with SSM certification marks
- Access to a variety of learning resources to support certified professionals during their SAFe journey.
Training material
The training material is in English. The training is run by using official material provided by Scaled Agile, Inc.
Course days begin at 9:00 and end at 16:30, breakfast available from 8:15 a.m forwards.
Päivä 1
- Ketterän kehityksen keskeiset käsitteet ja periaatteet
- Scrumin arvot ja toimintatavat
- Miten ketterät tiimit sijoittuvat SAFe-organisaatiossa?
- Scrum Masterin rooli ja vastuut tiimissä
- Mistä tunnistaa tehokkaan Scrum Masterin?
- Miten Scrum Master tukee tiimin tapahtumia?
- Tiimityön tehostaminen ja toimivien tiimien kehittäminen
- Vuorovaikutus ja yhteistyö muiden tiimien kanssa
- Miten Scrum Master valmentaa tiimin jäseniä?
- Miten valmistaudun PI-suunnitteluun?
- Arvoa tuovat Featuret ja käyttäjätarinat.
- Miten arvioin työn kokoluokkia?
Päivä 2
- Harjoitus: PI-simulaatio
- PI-tavoitteet ja liiketoiminta-arvo
- Scrum Masterin rooli PI-suunnittelun fasilitoinnissa
- Iteraation suunnittelu ja edistymisen seuranta
- Miten hallitsen ja jalostan kehitysjonoa?
- Miten iteraation tuloksia katselmoidaan?
- Iteraation retrospektiivi ja jatkuva parantaminen
- DevOps osana SAFea
- Mitä CALMR-näkökulma DevOpsiin tarkoittaa?
- Mikä merkitys on IP-iteraatiolla?
- Inspect & Adapt -tilaisuus ja PI:n tulosten tarkastelu
- Mitä tapahtuu ongelmanratkaisutyöpajassa?
The remote delivery of this training in Finnish is provided with Loihde Advance and in English with Olingo. Both are Scaled Agile bronze level partners.
Price 1195 € +vat
- Kouluttaja tunsi hyvin opettamansa alueen ja osasi värittää teoriaa käytännön kokemuksilla. Innostava ja hyvä koulutussessio!
- Erittäin hyvä opettaja! Osasi materiaalista kaiken mistä oli kysyttävää, kommunikoi asiat selkeästi sekä oli innostava ja mukaansatempaava.
- Erinomainen kouluttaja, tarjosi mainioita esimerkkejä, oli kasuaali kouluttaessaan ja antoi tilaa keskustelulle. Erinomainen koulutus ja erinomainen kouluttaja.
- Kiitos, sain hyvin vastinetta koulutukseen käytetylle ajalle. Kouluttajalla erinomainen pelisilmä ja tilannetaju. Oli mahtavaa saada jutella ja pohtia opittavaa asiaa kollegoiden kanssa eri organisaatioista.
- Erinomainen koulutus, vaikka olenkin työskennellyt aiheen parissa jo yli vuoden, sain silti koulutuksesta paljon uutta irti.
- Erityisesti kiitos kouluttajalle hyvin järjestetystä koulutuksesta, jossa oli juuri sopivasti keskusteleva/osallistava ote!
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