Scrum Master II (SM II)

Agile professionals have long waited for the next step, one that would build on the skills learned during Scrum Master certification. Since working as Scrum master you likely have realized that there is more to it than what was covered in basic Scrum Master class. This Scrum Master II (SM II) training explores agile facilitation & coaching skills and how you as Scrum master use these to enhance performance and satisfaction in teams. Successful completion of this course grants you skills for these and will help you to prepare for Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM™ II) certification exam., Professional Scrum Master, PSM are trademarks of and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. Our classes are independent of and not affiliated with
Training formats
2 days
1690 €
Target Group
Scrum Masters, agile coaches, team leaders, team coaches, team leads, technical managers, technical leads
This advanced-level, very hands-on and fast-paced course is designed to develop your Scrum master skills from good to great, to go beyond the basics of the Scrum master by providing you skills to:
- Facilitate better dialogue between Product Owners, scrum team members, customers, stakeholders, and executives
- Respond confidently when encountering resistance to change, lack of engagement, low motivation, and unavailability of key people
- Increase engagement to encourage greater accountability, commitment, and buy-in
- Serve better Product Owners to deliver value to customers and users
- Scale Scrum and Agile beyond a single team
When taking SM II course, you should have work experience as a Scrum Master and a strong understanding of the fundamentals of scrum. Having basic level Scrum Master certification (PSM I, CSM) is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended.
Scrum Master II (SM II) course content
DAY 1:
Principles of agility and the role of the Scrum Master
- What is the importance of the Agile Manifesto in today's world?
- The history of Scrum and agility
- What if something doesn't align with the agile values?
Characteristics of a good Scrum Master
- What make
- s a great Scrum Master?
- The foundational pillars of Scrum: transparency, inspection, and adaptation
- Exercise: What happens when there is no transparency, inspection, nor adaptation?
Developing facilitation skills
- What alternatives are there to open discussions?
- What challenges may arise when integrating different perspectives?
- Are there situations where the Scrum Master should not act as a facilitator?
Scrum Master as a coach and teacher
- What are the different coaching styles?
- How do I recognize situations where coaching is needed?
- Teaching Scrum: How do I explain Scrum to a business representative?
DAY 2:
Scrum Master and developers
- What challenges can the team face?
- How can I help people work as an effective team?
- How can a Scrum Master support the team's efficiency?
Scrum Master and Product Owner
- From product vision to product backlog
- Challenges in value delivery in a multi-team environment
- What challenges can arise in agile product development?
Scrum Master and the surrounding organization
- Organizational impediments to teams
- Scaling agility: When should it not be done?
- How to manage dependencies?
Scaling Scrum and organizational transformation
- Different types of teams and frameworks
- What enables the success of organizational changes?
- Self-reflection: What kind of Scrum Master am I?
Päivä 1
- Mikä on ketterän manifeston tärkeys nykyaikana?
- Scrumin ja ketteryyden syntyhistoria
- Jos joku ei toimi ketterän arvojen mukaisesti?
- Mistä hyvät Scrum Masterit on tehty?
- Scrumin peruspilarit: läpinäkyvyys, tutkinta ja mukautus
- Harjoitus: Kun läpinäkyvyyttä, tutkintaa ja mukautusta ei ole?
- Mitä vaihtoehtoja on avoimelle keskustelulle?
- Millaisia haasteita voi syntyä, kun yhdistetään erilaisia näkökulmia?
- Onko tilanteita, jolloin Scrum Masterin ei pitäisi toimia fasilitaattorina?
- Millaisia eri tyylejä on valmentaa?
- Miten tunnistan tilanteet, joissa valmennukselle on tarvetta?
- Scrumin opettaminen: Miten kerron Scrumista liiketoiminnan edustajalle?
Päivä 2
- Mitä haasteita tiimi voi kohdata?
- Miten autan ihmisiä työskentelemään tehokkaana tiiminä?
- Miten Scum Master voi tukea tiimien tehokkuutta?
- Tuotteen visiosta kehitysjonoksi
- Arvontuoton haasteet, monitiimi-ympäristössä
- Millaisia haasteita ketterässä tuotekehityksessä voi tulla vastaan?
- Organisaation aiheuttamat hidasteet tiimeille
- Ketteryyden skaalaus, milloin sitä ei kannata tehdä?
- Miten hallitsen riippuvuuksia?
- Erilaisia tiimejä ja viitekehyksiä
- Mikä mahdollistaa organisaatiomuutosten onnistumisen?
- Itsereflektio: Millainen minä olen Scrum Masterina?
Price 1690 € +vat
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