FrontpageScrum trainings with certificationProduct owner I (PO I)

Product owner I (PO I)


Product Owner training is a 2-day workshop that introduces the concepts of agile using Scrum mindset. The training will help you to prepare for the internationally recognized Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO™ I) certification exam. Scrum Product Owners are in charge of building a system, creating a new product release, or any other complex business problem. 

Scrum is an iterative and incremental thinking framework for developing and maintaining complex products in rapidly changing environments. At scrum, the development team delivers high-quality functionality by the end of each sprint, creating the agility needed to respond to rapidly changing demands. The scrum framework challenges its user all the time to focus on continuous improvement, and its sprints create the stability needed to deliver results in an environment where needs change all the time.

These features have led scrum to become the world's most popular agile software production framework - and its use is constantly being expanded to new areas outside of IT.

This certification workshop is based on one long exercise running through both training days where Product Owners refine an idea through customer research, product backlog and collaboration with stakeholders and scrum team to a product., Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO are trademarks of and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. Our classes are independent of and not affiliated with



Training formats



2 days


1590 €



Target Group

This course is suitable for individuals who are Scrum Product Owners, business owners, business analysts, customers (who buy development), or for example product managers who want to expand their skills. 


After the course you are familiar with the thinking and the framework of Scrum so that you can start to work as a Scrum Product Owner.


Knowing scrum foundations is a prerequisite. So study the Scrum Guide carefully before the course. You can have achieved the necessary knowledge also with work experience.

For learning scrum foundations we offer Product Owner I course participants an opportunity to participate in our Scrum Foundations course at a significantly reduced price (350 eur vs. normal price 890 eur). To take advantage of this offer, mention "PO Participation" in the additional information field when registering to Scrum Foundations course.

Content of Product Owner training

Scrum Foundations

  • Scrum Theory
  • Cross-functional Team and Timeboxes
  • Scrum Values
  • Scrum Flow
  • Sprint
  • Agile Manifesto

Product Owner Core Competencies

  • Accountabilities
  • Impact of organizational designs
  • Product strategy and product goal
  • Working with Stakeholders
  • Scaling Scrum and Agile
  • Product Owner in Scrum Events

Product Discovery

  • Customers segments and their needs
  • Customer-centric product design
  • Experimentation culture, validation
  • Product plan, roadmap

Guiding Development Work

  • Product Backlog
  • Writing and working with product backlog items
  • Value
  • Ordering
  • Incremental Release planning
  • Product Backlog Refinement


Course material and the online test are in English. The training is run in English or in Finnish according to the information next to the date of the training.

Product Owner Cer­ti­fica­tion

  • The course price includes an online test in English for the Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO™ I) certification. You take the test from your own computer at a time of your choice.
  • Professional Scrum Product Owner I (PSPO I) certification test:
    • 80 multiple-choice questions in English
    • Time: 60 minutes
    • Pass mark: 85% correct answers
  • When you successfully complete the online test, you will be listed as Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I) on™ and receive a digital certificate from Credly.
  • The Professional Scrum Product Owner I (PSPO I) certificate does not expire and there is no annual fee.

Product Owner trai­ning pac­ka­ge

If you are an experienced Product Owner without a certification, you can simultaneously buy both Product Owner I and Product Owner II training courses at a reduced price of 2745 eur +vat (normally 3180 eur + vat). To take advantage of this offer, mention "Product Owner combined" in the additional information field of the enrollment form.


  • Paljon uutta näkökulmaa tuli esille ja mielenkiinto aiheeseen kasvoi entisestään.
  • Koulutus oli hyvin toteutettu ja kouluttaja hyvin asiantunteva. Käytännön esimerkkejä käytiin materiaalin lomassa läpi ja keskustelua heräsi paljon.
  • Osallistava koulutus piti hereillä. Hyviä keventäviä tarinoita.
  • Hyvä oli ja silmiä avaava. Kouluttaja oli todella hyvä.
  • Kannatti osallistua.
  • Hyvin järjestetty ja johdonmukainen koulutus. Tehtävät olivat hyvin kokonaisuutta täydentäviä.
  • Kiitos asiantuntevalle kouluttajalle!
  • Oikein mukava kokemus! Paljon hyödyllisiä asioita mietittäväksi.
  • Hektinen. Mutta hyödyllinen!
  • Oli hyvä että koulutuksessa oli paljon tehtäviä, jolloin asiat oppii konkreettisemmin.
  • Kaiken kaikkiaan koulutus oli oikein hyvä ja erilaisten harjoitustehtävien tekeminen sitoi hyvin teoriaa käytäntöön.

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