TAP: Facilitation Skills
3 päivää
2098 €
Target Group
This course provides participants with the skills to facilitate events such as focus groups, workshops, team meetings, briefings, and business improvement meetings, etc. Participants will learn how to open and close an event using subtle language patterns, helping to build rapport with a group and influence a positive outcome.
They will learn a variety of facilitation methods and processes that can be used as appropriate to the outcome required. They will explore a range of challenging behaviours and the strategies to manage these behaviours within the group setting. They will find out about the problem-solving model and will have the opportunity to participate in a problem-solving focus group.
Target Audience
This course is suitable for anyone who needs to facilitate the gathering of opinions, solving problems, making decisions, developing a solution, gauging reactions to a proposition, securing a consensus, debating a complex matter, or developing ideas.
Participants will plan and facilitate a work-based event to include defined processes, appropriate methods and three language patterns which follows TAP® Facilitation Skills guidelines.
The assessment is in two parts:
- During the course, participants will plan and facilitate a 20-minute session, assessed against TAP guidelines. Feedback will be given and an action plan created based on the feedback.
- After the course, participants will implement actions agreed with their trainer and have them signed off by their manager. This confirmation will be sent to QA.
QA will check the submission and once confirmed, will release the TAP® Learning Digital Badge in recognition of successful course completion and application of new skills.
There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Course Content
Part One: Getting Started (pre-requisites)
Before the workshop, participants will complete an important pre-course preparation document, which will be marked as a milestone within QA’s online platform.
Participants will have to:
- Read the learning log and establish their goals for the course.
- Agree a realistic, work-based topic for their facilitation session with their line manager.
Part Two: Three-Day Workshop
Day 1:
- Presentation of self
- Building rapport
- Language patterns
- Opening the event
- Facilitation methods
- Closing the event
Day 2:
- Modes of intervention
- Problem solving
- Managing challenge
- Planning for facilitation
Day 3:
- Facilitate event
- Feedback
- Action planning
Part three: Applying the Learning at Work
- Participants will have up to two months to further develop their skills, knowledge, and behaviour by applying agreed actions at work. They will have the opportunity to reflect, analyse and discuss next steps with their manager.
- Participants will document the process using the template provided.
Obtaining the TAP® Learning Digital Badge
Once the following has been undertaken, a digital badge will be awarded based on the following:
- Completion of the learning within the course.
- Application of the learning in the workplace within two months of the course.
- Evidence of reflection and action planning within the learning log.
- Declaration of implementation of actions signed by them and line manager and submitted.
When nine or more days of TAP® training courses have been completed and associated digital badges have been awarded, participants can claim a TAP® Learning Excellence badge by writing to qacustomerservice@qa.com.