Master the World’s Leading Enterprise Architecture Framework
In this training, you will learn the world's most commonly used overall architecture framework. Released in 2022, the TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition is the most recent version of this enterprise architecture standard. The course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to complete the TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Foundation certificate.
More than 120,000 people worldwide have already been certified to the different versions of the TOGAF reference framework. Your turn next?
In this training, you will learn the latest version of TOGAF, its structure, and its practical applications. You will gain insights into the benefits of enterprise architecture, how TOGAF supports architecture development, the key phases of the Architecture Development Method (ADM), and governance practices.
This training focuses on understanding TOGAF’s structure, terminology, and methodology, providing you with a solid foundation.No prior TOGAF knowledge is required, but experience in enterprise architecture or IT frameworks (COBIT, ITIL) is beneficial. Training materials are in English.
The training is also available in Finnish, learn more about it here
If you're looking for deeper practical application, the TOGAF EA Practitioner training is the next step. Learn more about it here
The TOGAF EA training organized by Tieturi is accredited by The Open Group.
TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
2 päivää
2095 €
For whom is the training for?
The TOGAF EA Foundation course is suitable for: for experts working on architectural projects for designers who design solutions according to architectures for general architects and other professionals who need basic information about the TOGAF standard for all actors who, in their role, want to understand how to systematically develop an organization

the structure and language of TOGAF

the Architecture Development Method

the information you need in TOGAF

the basic skills for the continuing course TOGAF EA Practitioner
Day 1
- The TOGAF Certification program
- Structure of the TOGAF Standard
- The TOGAF Body of Knowledge
- ADM phases
- ADM techniques and applying the ADM
- Architecture content
- Architecture governance
- Business benefits of EA
- Abstraction, continuum and repository
- Metamodel, content framework and architecture capability
- Iteration and information flow
- ADM phases, essential knowlewdge and outcome
- Architecture in an agile environment
Day 2
- Excercise 1: Using the TOGAF Standard
- Excercise 2: ADM Deliverables
- Excercise 2 (cont.)
- Principles, business scenarios
- Risk management, gap analysis
- Interoperability, business transformation readiness
- Levels and partitioning
- Stakeholders, concerns, building blocks
- Architecture capability and governance
- Final discussions
- What’s next after the course? Certification path

Ben Kalland
IT-palvelunhallinnan huippuammattilainen
Ben Kalland on työskennellyt eri it-alan tehtävissä 40 vuotta muun muassa IBM:ssä ja toimii nykyään freelancer-kouluttajana ja konsulttina. Hän on erikoistunut kansainvälisten viitekehysten kouluttamiseen ja on vuosien varrella kouluttanut pörssiyhtiöitä ja valtionhallinnon yksiköitä useassa Euroopan ja Lähi-idän maassa.
Hänen osaamisalueitaan ovat muun muassa ITIL, FitSM, COBIT, TOGAF, NAF ja Lean IT. Hän on ollut mukana mm. TOGAF Standard 10th Editionin beta-ryhmässä ja ITL-sanastotyöryhmässä.

Jyrki Kivimäki
pitkän linjan IT-alan
Jyrki Kivimäellä on yli 35 vuoden kokemus alalta eri rooleissa, yhdistäen käytännön tekemisen ja strategisen ajattelun. Hän on kirjoittanut kymmeniä kirjoja ja pitänyt satoja koulutuksia tietoturvasta, käyttöjärjestelmistä, internetistä, arkkitehtuureista ja pilvipalveluista. Viimeiset 15 vuotta Kivimäki on työskennellyt liiketoiminnan kehittämisen, projektinhallinnan ja arkkitehtuurien parissa eri kokoisissa ja eri puolilla maailmaa toteutetuissa hankkeissa.
Nykyisin Kivimäellä on voimassa olevat sertifikaatit TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Practitioner, Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) ja Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Hänen suurin mielenkiinnon kohteensa on liiketoiminnan haasteiden ratkaiseminen teknologian avulla.
Sign up cheaper – get to know your benefits

Group discount
We offer a -10% discount for groups of at least 3 people. Take advantage of the advantage in the online store with the code TIIMI10 or ask for an offer from our training salesperson:
Training card
With the popular training card, you can save up to -40% on training days and get the opportunity to take advantage of a wider training offer. Read more here.

Meeting Park OASIS
Itämerenkatu 14
(Ruoholahti metro station)
Meeting Park Oasis is a new and modern space in the property of the Ruoholahti metro station, along excellent transport connections. In addition to the metro, a tram and a bus take you directly to the vicinity of the property, and Ruoholahti also has parking garages for those who drive their cars.
On the south side (Selkämerenkuja) opposite the Conservatory.
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