EtusivuDevOpsDevops for Business

Devops for Business

During this course you will learn what Devops is all about, what are its key benefits from the business point of view and how you should align Devops with your business processes.

Devops is a cohesive, widely used methodology that covers both processes and technical aspects of
software development. Devops builds on the idea of agile software development by adding automation and organizational transparency into the mix, resulting in a modern, widely used toolkit.

According to the State of DevOps report 2014 companies using Devops are twice as likely to exceed profitability, market share, and productivity goals, and had 50 % higher market capitalization and growth than rival businesses.




0.5 päivää


550 €

Target Group

This training is tailored to business representatives eager to understand what is the value of Devops and what it requires from their organization to take the full benefit out of it.

Contents of Devops for Business

  • What is Devops and its key principles
  • Basics walkthrough: Lean, Agile & ITIL
  • Faster delivery times, greater reliability, focus on value: The key benefits for embracing Devops
  • What you should expect from Devops projects and what to consider when using vendors
  • How to align your business with Devops


This half-a-day course begins at 9 am and ends at 12.